Hvordan man kan forbedre erotikken i et parforhold
It’s probably hard concretely define what you should do in every family, for that eroticism must always flourish in the relationship.
But there are of course some rules of thumb that forms the norm for what to do, so love and sex life does not wither with age. The key word is enough innovation. You have to vary his life and avoid too many habits. One should not take each other for granted in the relationship. You have to woo every day in her relationship with her partner.
Different advice to couples about sex
It is up to the individual couple, how they will use this advice, taking the are at different stages in the relationship. Some people are honeymoon period and perhaps newlyweds. There must often just throw your inhibitions and live one day at a time. Let time take its course. But after a few years there may be a need for renewal in the relationship. You may feel that you have tried everything. However, it has of course not. The possibilities are limitless after all, they are endless. So there is not really any excuses. You should sit down and talk openly about the problem before it becomes a big problem. But it is quite normal to sex life can seem monotonous after a few years. It should be open to trying new things together. Some people will use role play, they will dress up and empathize with different roles. This always brings innovation into the relationship. Other test new forms of sex, they test the limits of. Perhaps the teeth on anal sex, bondage and S / M. Some want an extra partner in the relationship, ie try a triangle, which involved an extra man or woman while having sex together. It can also be a group sex with four people in total or partner swapping. You can also take in a swinger club to try this.
Renewing their sex life is the key word
Some invest in a special room filled with sex toys, so you can try all sorts of exciting sex games together. This will be the certain favorites that you can do together. But other times it is enough to take out on a romantic dinner together, buy flowers, watch romantic movies together or porn. Or you can travel during the holidays for a romantic place along where you can relive the romantic mood of the honeymoon. You can also read the Kama Sutra together or read other sexlitteratur that can provide new inspiration for your sex life. Whatever you simply need to try new things once in a while and listen to each other, thereby not often that sex life grinds to a halt.
Billede: Sharon Mollerus

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