
Tantra massage – seksuelt eller ej?

Is tantra massage sexual or not? It can be a bit confusing. Read on and learn more about it here.

Assistant Rama Sage has been very well known, and is often seen at as something very sexual, but is it really that? I have found something about tantra, written by Renée. Read what she means below or here .

It tells Renée

Sometimes you have to be brave. I think I was the other day when I ordered a tantramassage. The reason I did that was that tantramassage almost become a trend in my circle, and I felt inspired by all the talk about how amazing it was. And YES, tantramassage was cross – but at the same time it was also utterly fantastic.
Reports had been mixed. One said she had wept like a child while she was yonimassage (interior massage of the vagina / yoni). Another said that yonimassagen exactly hurt, while a third said she had never felt so excited in his life. The report of the one man I know who has got tantramassage, says that it was an incredibly loving and moving experience.
My expectations for tantramassage was therefore just as mixed as all reports, when I recently cycled through the city heading for Tantra Temple. When I arrived, I was greeted by a sweet and friendly man with long gray hair in ponytail, and shown into a warm room with candles, soft music and a great mattress that filled most of the room. Here we started to talk for half an hour, in which he explained to me in detail about what tantra is and how the next few hours would take place. It made me feel both calm and safe.

How it works

I was asked to take a bath and afterwards lay on my stomach with no clothes on the mattress. Then he started to massage me, infinitely quietly and cautiously, which was wonderful. Most people have a notion that tantra is about something sexual, and I will not tell me free from being elated sometimes. But after almost two hours of tantramassage I had to find that it had absolutely nothing to do with sex. On the contrary, it acted simply to sit back, relax completely and just accept. Something many people may have quite difficult because we always feel we need to give back, as soon as we receive anything.
The experience that is strongest for me, was when he was at the end of my tantramassage, without words, without movement, held his hands on my heart for a looong time. I know it may sound strange, but it was as if my heart opened up and I through the gentle tantramassage and touch had come in contact with something infinitely deep and loving inside me. So if there is anyone out there who should have been inspired, I highly recommend that you give yourself and / or his partner a tantramassage for Christmas. And if you have been frightened at the thought of yonimassage, it is no more difficult than to say no when you are asked if you want that.

Billede: zaphodsotherhead

Billede: Nick J Webb

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